

Do not think for one second that Caroline was left out in any way while Cooper was born!!  With 6 grandparents and lots of friends visiting, this little girl was in no way short of attention! 

Here is Caroline's entertainment (and some of my favorite pictures) while at the hospital.  I was stuck in bed, but Josh was able to snap a couple pictures of what was going on in the hallway.  Here you can just tell that Caroline is scheming and telling her Grandpa and PaPaw just what to do!

Ready... Set...
Pop Pop was not able to make it until the weekend due to tax season, but once he was here, a trip to Toys R Us was definitely in order!  They came back with a purple tricycle!  Caroline helped Pop Pop put it together and could not wait to ride!! 

She rode around like quite the little princess!  No need to pedal or push, Caroline just needed to sit and look pretty.  She loved it!!

Lots of fun was had by all! 

Caroline sure kept Grami busy while we took Cooper on one of his first outings.  There was a petting zoo at the Arboretum and you can bet that Caroline made her visit each and every animal... not to mention chase her around the entire place!

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