
N.I.N.E months!

What a devilish little grin!! I just love how this picture captures Caroline's attitude so well in this moment! It also shows off her new teeth!
I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed the other day when I realized that when I look at Caroline, I no longer see a baby... she is now a little girl!! A little girl complete with her own personality and unique characteristics. It seems as if she is learning new things every day now and more frequently! This little girl is determined! She has started pulling herself up from a sitting position to standing and has even taken a few steps while holding on to furniture. We bought her a walking toy that she can hold on to and Josh has been working with her to walk forward. She loves climbing up on people or on furniture. She is also now full out crawling on both knees! Now if I get up and walk into another room, I usually have a little follower behind me. Oh the joys of movement! :)

Another new thing is that Caroline's face completely lights up when other children walk into the room! We have gotten a little more involved in activities and playtimes and she has loved interacting with other kids!! It is really neat to see her get so excited!
We had our 9 month check up this morning at the doctor and got a great report! Caroline is doing well and is perfectly healthy! Unfortunately she was poked several times and was a little more apprehensive of everything that was going on around her. I'm pretty sure she knew what was going on and sure didn't like it!! However, she did so well and is such a big girl! Here is where she ranks:
weight: 17 lbs. 4.2 oz. (19th percentile)
height: 27.75 inches (51st percentile)
head circumference: 43 cm (19th percentile)

I feel like I need to start using the video camera for these shots! She's one wiggly worm!

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